5 Brainteasers to Get Your Brain Moving this Morning
5 Brainteasers to Get Your Brain Moving this Morning http://teamue.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/brain-951845_960_720.jpg 960 678 Emilie http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/11508f46fcb311d28382b7ccd76b6b98?s=96&d=mm&r=gHere at United Eventures, we love our brain teasers! We use brain teasers and trivia in all types of events, from our Trivia Nights where trivia is the main focus, to our Geotrekking where you can find brain teasers or trivia at various checkpoints. So whether you are looking to improve your brain teaser skills for your next United Eventure, or you’re simply looking for a way to exercise your brain in the morning, we found 5 great brain teasers just for you!
Try not to peak!
- RADAR problem: 80 Ways. Can’t get to 80? Hint, you can reuse the same A and R twice per word. Try finding the total from one corner, and then multiply by four.
- Number question mark problem: 9. The sum of every square is 22.
- Letter question mark problem: O. The letters at the front of the alphabet correspond with those in the back- A corresponding with with Z, B with Y, C with X.
- Folding cube problem: D.
- Block problem: 9 blocks.
Brain teaser 1 Courtesy: http://www.pedagonet.com/brain/SpellRadar1.html
Brain teaser 2 Courtesy: http://funthingstodowhenbored.com/riddle/brain-teasers-solver-4th-square-by-looking-on-others
Brain teasers 3&4 Courtesy: http://www.funwithpuzzles.com/2015/06/non-verbal-reasoning-test-with-answers.html
Brain teaser 5 Courtesy: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/305400418459642631/
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