Get to Know You: Will Leggett, President and CEO
Get to Know You: Will Leggett, President and CEO http://teamue.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ue-final-logo-stickers-copy-1024x280.png 1024 280 MPatton http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/3424e957821395ea3722d3d6200c6077?s=96&d=mm&r=g
I am an adventurer who loves to be in the wilderness. My passion is hunting whitetail deer with a bow and arrow in remote locations across the country. I love to travel, whether it’s up to Vermont to see friends and family, or to tropical locations like St. John USVI. I am soon to be blessed with my first-born baby girl and am married to my beautiful wife, Jane. We also have a dog named Zoe.
Creating UnitedEVENTures has been a journey. I have always been into athletics both as an athlete as well as a spectator, so I originally wanted to get into sports broadcasting or become a coach. After taking a class at Ithaca College called “Leisure in Society” which taught me about national parks, I realized that there was an entirely new path I wanted to go down. I switched majors to Recreation Management. “Leisure in Society” influenced me to do my senior project on Organizational Development and Team Building which is the reason I started United EVENTures.
With the help of my team, I hope in ten years to build United EVENTures into a multi-million dollar company with locations and services across the world. I will have also have started a second company flipping houses and will have 3 beautiful children.
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