How much free will do we really have?
How much free will do we really have? http://teamue.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/illusion_optical_974027_h.jpg 900 678 Emilie http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/11508f46fcb311d28382b7ccd76b6b98?s=96&d=mm&r=gIn our series “Power of the Brain”, we are dedicated to showing you some of the fascinating ways in which our brains work. Here, in David Ariely’s Ted Talk, he discusses how our brain is tricked by various illusions, and how we have far less control and awareness over our decisions than we think. He talks about our tendency to choose the easier, “default” option, even when we seem to have free will. Often, we are completely unaware of the cognitive influences that hinder our ability to make objective decisions. The brain is capable of making very quick decisions, but it often does so with extreme biases, even when we think we are unbiased.
For all of the talks, go here: https://www.ted.com/playlists/164/how_we_make_choices
How do you think this effects our day to day actions?
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