Make Meetings More Enjoyable
Make Meetings More Enjoyable http://teamue.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/meeting-bored.jpg 660 371 admin http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/c315242f7f2cb219daf4e1fb6baa57e1?s=96&d=mm&r=gWorkplace meetings can tend to become a drag and become the bane of the employee’s existence. However, there are ways to make these meetings fun and something to look forward to. Here are some tips and tricks:
- Reduce the number of meetings. If possible, try to use other means of communication, such as text message or email, to deliver information. This way, the meetings you do hold do not seem superfluous.
- Follow a timeline and agenda. Having a layout of the meeting will help the team know what to expect and gives them a better sense of control, as they now know what will be discussed.
- Provide food. Who doesn’t love free food?? Something as simple as coffee and doughnuts can help meetings become the highlight of the week.
- End with something not related to work. The mood of the team can be tense after a meeting, so ending with a funny video or something light can help everyone get back to work off on the right foot.
Did these tips help make meetings for you and your team? Let us know in the comments below!
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